Thursday, September 08, 2016

Thoughts on Thursday

  • It's a dark, dreary, drizzly day, and man oh man do I wish I was home, snuggled up on the couch, having a Netflix binge day.  Rainy days just do that to me.  I've had two cups of coffee this morning (I normally only have one) and even that hasn't broken me out of my dreary morning funk.  
  • Despite the dark, foggy morning, it is actually stinking hot & humid out there, and I'm so over it.  I have loved this summer, I have loved the heat, but it's September now, and I'm ready to get the fall ball rolling.  I'm sick of feeling sticky and sweaty.  Blech.
  • Last Sunday afternoon, I watched the last episode of The Office.  I've been watching it all summer, and it was sad for me to see it come to an end after 9 seasons.  I was so attached to Jim & Pam, following their relationship, laughing at the whole crew at Dunder Mifflin.  It was a sentimental moment watching it all come to an end.  One of the characters, Andy, in his closing interview, tearfully said something about how he was going to miss the good ol' days, and how he wished they told you when you were IN the good ol' days that it was the good ol' days so you'd enjoy it more.  But you don't realize it til their gone.  That's the tricky thing about "the good ol' days". It struck a real chord with me. 
  • After finishing The Office, I jumped back into The Mindy Project, which had new episodes added since I last watched it, but couldn't get back into it while I was all caught up in Jim & Pam.  Since Monday was spent on the couch recuperating, and then a few evenings of nothing to do but watch TV, I have now finished that too.  I'm contemplating what my next show should be.  I was leaning towards Scandal, but now I keep hearing about this show Stranger Things, and I think I might give it a whirl instead.
  • Today appears to be the first day of Pre-K for a lot of my friends' kids on Facebook... I swear, these "1st day" pictures are killing me.  I love seeing them, but at the same time, they break my little heart.  First day of Pre-K was, like, the worst day of my life.  I really hope all the kiddos have an awesome day at school, and that none of them are "little Jills"... for everyone's sake! lol!
  • This coming weekend, I have zero plans.  Like, zero.  Which is such a letdown after Fair weekend.  The weekend after Shawville Fair used to be Community Days in Quyon, and I so miss that.  It was at least something to look forward to after Fair time.
  • Yesterday, we had Chinese food for lunch in the office, and then I ate a whole big bag of chips & cotton candy for supper.  So yeah, the Shawville Fair detox is going really well.
  • I joke, but I really do have to smarten up when it comes to food.  It's getting bad.  I didn't work out at all over the weekend, I ate like a horse, and those patterns are hard to break.  I feel like a slug.  I know if I had a few days of clean eating and healthy habits back under my belt, I'd shake this crappy feeling I've had all week.  I love food, and I know I'm never going to be perfect, but there's a line, ya know?
  • This is contrary to my last statement, but I know it's almost fall because I'm starting to crave Thanksgiving dinner.  I'd just about give my right arm for turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy right now.  Oh, and pumpkin pie.  How I'd love a piece of pumpkin pie!
  • Speaking of pumpkin pie... since it's almost fall, I can soon start immersing myself in all things pumpkiny.  Adding pumpkin to my grocery list right NOW!
  • As much as I've loved summer, and as hard as it is to let it go, I'm definitely feeling the fall vibes right now.  I want to watch scary movies and make apple bread and drink pumpkin spice lattes.  I want to dig out my cozy sweaters and leggings and fuzzy socks.  I want to go for walks in chilly evening air and have leaves crunch beneath my feet.  Be gone with you, September heat wave!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Man oh man I've been trying to get back on healthy eating too. I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast and salads at lunch and supper. But Ian's dad dropped off Halloween candy, kits kats and ya my detoxing went down the drain too.
I've also been trying to use my portion control plate I bought:
It works great, except for when I am cleaning up leftovers and shove spoonful's of food into my mouth...portion control FAIL.

I'm also dreaming about fall food, I want to make a beef stew, spaghetti sauce, apple pie. I think it's supposed to be rainy again this weekend so might be a good day to cook! ....just not diet friendly LOL