Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Joining up for a Meet & Greet - Blog Edition!

I found a fun link-up at Michelle's blog, A Little Bit of This & That. A bloggy-style Meet & Greet!

Step 1 is to introduce myself and my blog: Hi. My name is Jill, welcome to my World. I started blogging in 2006, mainly because I like to write, but wasn't doing very much of it at the time, and I wanted to keep up my "mad skillz". At the beginning, it was a place for me to babble about things that interested me (like hockey, TV shows, Wade Redden), and I'm pretty sure only my close friends and family read it. Since then, I've branched out a bit more, have made some great blog friends, and have really enjoyed taking part in link-up parties...just like this one!

Next up, we have some of my most favourite posts.
Oh Doctor, My Doctor - when I tried to make you all love Grey's as much as I did (still do!)
Elgin is the Inspiration - amidst the hype of the Sens' magical playoff run of 2007 came a truly heart-wrenching story about one of their biggest fans. Still brings tears to my eyes!
The Dance - we were going to the Stanley Cup Playoffs. One of the most exciting times of my life.
The Blog LIVES...but the Sens Do Not - post-mortem for the Sens of 2006-2007.
Not Ready to Say Good-Bye - the official farewell to Wade Redden
Do I Have to Pick a Team? - in the battle between Edward and Jacob, I declare myself "Switzerland"
A Magical Canadian Night - a review of a great concert - and extra special, because it was quoted on Dustin Bentall's website!
GOLD RUSH 2010: Olympic Memories - I still go back to read this sometimes and re-live the experience!
Get-Away to Midland - it was good to get away after a very, very difficult couple of weeks.
Heirlooms & Treasures - sharing some of the special items I inherited from my Grandma.

Here are, according to Google Analytics, some of the most popular posts with you, the readers:
My Fish Babies - Why? I have no idea. This post also got me my first hate mail. Check out the comments section.
Jesse Williams...Shirtless - No surprise there...heh heh heh
In Kenny Chesney Heaven - Great summer concert!
Held Captive by the Edward Cullen Mystique - I decided I was a Twilight fan. But thought Shane West would make a better Edward.
Maybe I am a Gleek after all. - Yes. I fell for Glee. Hard.

These are some posts where you got to know a little more about me:
10 Things About Me
ABC's of ME
101 List: Launched
Playing Crazy Eights

I love going back and reading some of my early posts. Back then, my blog posts were almost like Facebook. My friends read them, then the comments section would go on forever with us chatting about how are days were going and what was new.

I also have really enjoyed writing The Single Girl Files which are a new "feature" I've started writing new this year. Who doesn't love to hear funny stories about a single girl trying to find love, right!? ;)

It's difficult for me to narrow down lists of favourites and most popular. It's too time-consuming to go back through five years of posts! But I'm so grateful to have each and every one of them, to look back on and remember. We've come a long way since that first post back on September 12, 2006!

Thanks to all, old and new, for reading. Looking forward to meeting even more of you through this Meet & Greet! :)


Nicole said...

Oh wow, you've been blogging forever!

Michelle said...

WOW! You have been blogging awhile! I'm a newbie, just this year! Thanks so much for taking the time to link up! I look forward to following along and learning more about you! :)

Savanah said...

stopping by from the meet and greet! I'm a new follower :)

Michelle said...

Hey Jill!!! Found you through Michelle's meet n greet!!!

I saw that you are reading/have read Water for Elephants! It is one of my favorite books! Did you see the movie? So good!!!

Also, I am a huge Grey's fan...so when it comes back on in September, you and I will have to discuss everything that happens!!!

Nice to "meet" you!!!
Michelle @The Vintage Apple

Sarah said...

Wow! You really have been blogging for a while. The Single Girl Files is a GREAT idea - can't wait to read more :D