Ever have one of those pretty-much-perfect Summer weekends? You know, the kind when there’s not much of anything going on, but it ends up being just enough…just right?
That was my weekend. I loved it. I hated to see it end.
Friday night I planned to spend just hanging out with my ma. I took her for supper to the Norway Bay Golf Club, and it was a happening spot. We quite enjoyed our drinks and dinner. While there, Mom informed me that she wanted to go to the cemetery to water flowers. Umm…sure…a cemetery tour is exactly what I want to do on a Friday night…
So I told her I’d go if she bought me an ice cream cone. Done deal.
When we got home, we got out of the heat and into the A/C, parked ourselves in front of the TV and chose to watch Water for Elephants.
Spending a Friday evening with R.Pattz? Pretty much the best way to spend a Friday evening, I’d say.
I looked at Mom once and said, “He’s a pretty good-looking boy, eh?” And she nodded in complete agreement.
My mom hearts Rob.
Saturday morning broke hot & hazy…kind of exactly like every day so far this summer. Call me selfish, but I’m loving it.
After a quick trip to Shawville with Stacy to deliver cakes, I spent the morning out on my back deck with a bottle of G2 fruit punch and my book. I’ve been slowly plodding through Nicholas Sparks’ The Lucky One since finishing Fifty Shades…and it’s certainly not lighting up my life. Part of the problem is that I’ve already seen the movie, and I hate reading the book after seeing the movie. The other main problem is that…well…it’s the poor book that is following Christian Grey. It was destined to fall flat.

Have I mentioned lately how much I miss Christian?
…I miss Christian.
Anyways…after lunch, I took a trip back to Norway Bay to visit Sara, Graham, Charlotte, and Baby Daniel. I had a great time sitting around chatting, and of course getting my baby snuggles in. He’s so cute, I could eat him!
Back home by mid-afternoon, I loaded a cooler with ice and Michelob Ultra, and made my way to my mother’s patio. Hooked the laptop up in the garage so I could have some lazy Saturday afternoon tunes, and then I sat there and worked on my tan (aka, sweat my ass off). Brenda joined for a while, before she and Mom forced me to move to the shade in the front. Wusses.
Five beers in, I was ready to have an epic Saturday night. But Mom wanted me to get food from the chipstand, and Brenda had steaks on the Q across the road, so we broke for supper and made plans to hook back up later – possibly Gavan’s for some dance floor fun? Sounded like a good plan to me…
But after eating, I managed to develop a wicked headache. A SINUS HEADACHE - NOT HEAT STROKE, MOTHER!!!
Brenda emailed me this morning to apologize for flaking out, as after dinner she was done too. Apparently, we are old ladies now. I had a shower, Advil, and was konked out by 10:30. Wild Saturday night. And yet, still, somehow…just right.
On Sunday, I skipped church in favour of bumming around home in the jams while shaking off the remnants of the headache. I made tea and watched about three episodes of The Vampire Diaries. Love.
In the afternoon, the ladies in our family went to a bridal shower for our friend Lynn, while the boys went golfing. We all came home hot and sweaty, and ready for a BBQ. Burgers, dogs, salad, ice cream. And, of course, Baby Neve snuggles. Sunday perfection!
After all the fam jam went home, I hit the couch at my place and watched a movie before heading to bed, completely satisfied with my weekend…and so very sorry to see it end.
It was supposed to rain on Sunday. It didn’t. Not one drop.
Now I’m four days away from a weekend get-away…C’moooooooon Friday!!!
Before I sign off, a few little things…
First off, Nathan over at Life & Everything Else In Between is hosting the 1st Annual LEEIB Bloggie Awards, and I’ve been nominated for Best Kept Secret Blogger of 2012! How cool is that?!
If you get a minute, would you mind heading over and tossing me a vote? I’d love you all for it. ;) Also, another one of my bloggy pals, Lena at Mom2MemphisAndRuby is nominated for Blog of the Year – so check her out too – she rockes. If you’re feeling it, throw her some votes too, would ya?
And now, I’d like to send big birthday wishes to one of my most favourite boys in the world on his very special day…
Cowan is 16 on the 16th!!
Cowan is not only my Godson, neighbour (well, not really anymore, but I still consider myself a Stanton Roader), and co-worker, but also literally one of my favourite people ever. He makes me laugh, and I think he’s a little stud. He’s also been there - along with his whole family - to help us out whenever possible in the past five months – shoveling my mom’s laneway in the winter, chasing her run-away garbage can down for her, helping her “get rid of her weeds”…
Coco, we love ya!! Hope you have the best year EVER!!! xoxo
Doesn’t seem so long ago he was a just a little babe in my arms. He’s making me feel verrrry old today…