Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Wishes from Jill's World!

Monday, December 21, 2009
Mike Fisher & Carrie Underwood: ENGAGED!

Friday, December 18, 2009
My Poor Wade...

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Who Needs Spezza When Ya Got Fisher?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
More Success for the Pigott Brothers!
I know I wasn't the only Canadian to "discover" them in the summer of 2008 on Canadian Idol, but I feel like I've been there from the beginning, so to speak, and it's awesome to see Oliver and Sebastian Pigott reaping the rewards of their hard work now, a year and a half later.

Sebastian has just finished his stint as Kai Booker on the popular CBC show Being Erica. Throughout the second season of the show, we learned that Kai was in the same time-travelling therapy that Erica was in, except that he was a "refugee from the future". He had been sent back to learn from a past regret (in his case, not finishing one of his songs, which led to a tumultuous life as a rock star and guilt over the suicide death of his best friend and bandmate, Travis). However, Kai had decided to stay there in his past, choosing to ignore his therapist and remaining a 22-year-old barrista at a coffee shop rather than going back to being a 32-year-old troubled rock sensation.
In the finale episode last Tuesday, in a pivotal and moving moment, Sebastian performed the single he and Oliver wrote, "Alien Like You" - known as Kai's unfinished song on the show. It was a beautifully bittersweet moment, as it became sort of was his farewell to Erica, and also his acceptance that he had to return to his real life, ten years into the future. Not only was it an emotionally-charged scene, we also were treated to a Kai montage, a series of clips of him & Erica from scenes throughout the season. So cool!
Following the Season 2 finale, the Pigott Brothers released their version of "Alien Like You" on-line for download. After a full week, it is currently the top download at http://www.cdbaby.com/, and Kai's version is also available on iTunes (search for "Sebastian Pigott").
Even if Sebastian is not back, though, it appears that the Pigott Brothers are finally getting the recognition and fame they deserve. With the success of their single "Alien Like You", and an upcoming video release of the song "Rich Man" from their Pigottry album, the brothers continue to roll along, gaining momentum and fans as they go.
I'm so happy to be along for the ride!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ten More Days...
Monday, December 14, 2009
That Dane Cook...What a Silly Bitch!
No. It was circled for another reason.
Dane Cook. In Ottawa, at Scotiabank Place.

OK. So I haven't been waiting quite as long as some people. It took me a little longer to join the Dane Cook fan club than most. I love my comedy, but I usually only watch once in a while, when I happen to stumble upon Just For Laughs on TV. I was never really into devoting time to following one particular comedian, and aside from the few times they brought Yuk Yuk's to Quyon a few years back, I had never even seen a live show.
Then, about two year ago, I discovered Mitch Hedberg. To prove how late I was arriving on the comedian scene: Hedberg had already died of a drug overdose in 2005 before I "found" him. However, I enjoyed his act so much that I bought a couple of his albums. I let my brother borrow them, and in return, he gave me some of his Dane Cook CDs to check out.
Now, I wasn't living under a rock by any means - I knew who Dane Cook was; I had even seen a couple of movies he was in. But I certainly hadn't seen or heard his comedy routine for an extended period like that before. And while I got a kick out of Hedberg, I was literally laughing out loud until I had tears in my eyes listening to Dane.
And that's where my adoration for Dane Cook began.
I don't get the critics - so many who claim he's unfunny, so many of his own peers who don't understand why he's so phenomenally successful - and I don't profess to be all-knowing in what's funny and what's not - but Dane Cook makes me laugh. And when I say 'laugh', I mean laughhhhhhhhh.
The dude is hilarious.

I read in the Ottawa Citizen prior to Cook's performance in Ottawa that the reason he may stand apart from other comedians is that often, a comic is someone who is in a minority, or who was picked on or bullied, and has made a career out of using humour to deflect and make others laugh at their own misfortunes in life. Dane Cook, on the other hand, is a pretty average, nice-looking, white male, who instead of using negativity and anger and frustration to base his comedy on, he uses his cheerful on-stage manner and just flat-out makes people laugh, whether discussing his own sexual adventures, whimsical ideas, and amusing situations he finds himself in.
The critics can say what they want. Dane Cook is a silly bitch.
When he hit the stage Friday night for his Global Thermo tour, the follow-up to his Isolated Incident album, it was like a rock star had entered the building. With G'n'R's "Welcome to the Jungle" blaring and fans screaming wildly, an army of security guards lined the path through the crowd that he eventually came running down and up onto the stage at centre-ice.
For the next hour and a half? Pretty much solid laughter. Like, pee your pants laughter. I had already heard most of his act since Luke had bought the Isolated Incident CD and we had listened to it several times, but Luke's right when he says it's even more hilarious to see him do his routine live. His physical act really adds to the humour.
Did I mention he's not bad to look at? Yeah. I kinda fell in love.

(And I also love this pic because of his shirt...)
With this new album and tour, Cook gets a little more personal - even a little more sentimental, if you will - as he touches on the death of both of his parents, nine months apart. In one bit, he discusses the difficulty of deleting his mom from his cell phone contacts two years after her passing, during which he almost has the audience softly going "Awwwwww". The funny part, of course, comes about when he thinks about trying to call her one last time before deleting her and wondering what might happen if she actually answered. ("Honey, I PUNK'D you! That's what you guys call it, right? Punk'd?")
And of course, there's the joke he used as his encore, about receiving an email from anonymous@yahoo.com ("Right away, I think, 'Great f*cking name!' This guy got the original 'Anonymous'- not 'anonymous_69_kitty_kitty_lick_lick'!") He goes on to explain that the bitter emailer wrote to tell him that both of his parents got sick and died to get away from him and his crappy comedy. He claims the email haunted him for almost two years, caused him deep depression and sadness, but that two years later, once again, another email came from the same address ("...and once again, I think, 'Great f*cking name!'") The repentful emailer apologizes for his horrific email from two years before, explains that he was drinking and jobless at the time, and that he is now dealing with the death of his own father from a brain tumor.
Of course, Dane says..."I had to reply ... 'Dear Anonymous, Your father got a brain tumour and died to get away from his alcholic, unemployed, spineless son.'" Then he drops to the stage amidst the uproarious laughter crying, "I win! I WIN!"
But possibly the biggest laugh of the night? That came during his joke about getting hit in the head with a bowling ball while hiding in the closet. But I really can't repeat the rest of that one on the Blog! ;)
At the end of the night? Dane got a big SUperFInger (or SU-FI) salute from the fans in Ottawa. What an awesome evening of fun and laughs.

Can't wait til he comes back!!
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
The Death of Mr. Deer
So I've anxiously anticipated this snowstorm we're in the midst of ever since they started warning us about it a few days ago. A possible 20 centimetres of whirling, swirling white stuff. Perfect! And boy, is it ever coming down.
Unfortunately, the blowing snow has not been kind to the already-beleaguered deer decoration on our front lawn.
You see, I became the proud owner of little Mr. Deer a few weeks ago when Lindsay was clearing out her garage and giving away all of the odds and ends Bill & Sue didn't want to take to their new house and that she herself had no use for. I immediately snagged the deer. Last year, having just moved in shortly before the holiday season, we had no time to get up Christmas lights. This year, we discovered there is no way of putting any up on the house, so Mom, Luke & I put some lights on a few of the trees in the yard. I was still disappointed that we didn't have enough.
That's why I snagged the deer. I thought he would make a lovely, twinkly addition to our outdoor decorating.
Upon taking him out of his box and plugging him in, we discovered that his front legs didn't light up, nor did his neck, but the rest of him was fine. He even had a head that swiveled slowly back and forth. I thought he was pretty cool!
So this past Saturday, I pegged him down into the frozen ground - so sure he wouldn't budge - and for a night or two, he was happily lit up and guarding our front door.
Then, the other evening, I noticed his head had gone out. No more lights from the neck up. I tried to fix him, but my attempts were in vain. I couldn't get the lights back on. I disregarded our neighbour Shannon's text ordering me to "Go outside and fix your damn deer, he's freaking me out". I didn't think he looked that bad. Then, yesterday morning, her status on Facebook read that she was travelling to work and laughing about my headless deer.
Then a couple of people "liked" her status. Ok, I thought, so maybe my deer needs some help.
I tried tweaking the bulbs and twisting the wires again last night, but I couldn't get the bugger to light up if I paid him.
Then, this morning, it was a complete horror show. During the night, the twirling, swirling blowing snow had knocked my half-lit deer down. When I went outside, he was face-planted into a little drift, and his swiveling head literally made him look like he was having a seizure. Right there, on our snowy front lawn. Not only that, his belly cage protecting all of his wires was open and filled with snow.
I'm sure Shannon was cracking up over it.
Our poor deer.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
What Ever Happened to Macaulay Culkin?

Friday, December 04, 2009
Do I Have to Pick a Team?

Tuesday, December 01, 2009
The Christmas Craziness Begins...
Now, nobody can tell me it's too early to decorate or sing Christmas carols or turn on the Christmas lights. It's officially "okay" to get into the holiday spirit!
A little hard to do this year, considering the severe lack of snow on the ground... But I've managed to get myself wound up for the holidays anyways. Most of my gift buying is done (God bless you, on-line shopping), I have my iTunes Christmas playlist ready to roll, I have all the ingredients to make my potluck dishes and Christmas baking, I have dug up all my favourite festive specials on both VHS and DVD, and I have re-stocked my inventory of gift wrap, bags, bows, and tags.
I'm not sure I've ever been this prepared for Christmas before in my LIFE!
I was doing a little looking back on the Blog, and I was reminded of how different the "waiting" was last year - because not only was I preparing for Christmas, I was also anxiously anticipating the arrival of my sister & her husband's second baby.
My niece Danica will be 1 on December 15th. Seriously, where did this year go?!?!?
And while I was absolutely thrilled the day she was born, I've now realized that adding her in to the mix, I know have three - count 'em , THREE! - December birthdays in my family. Dad on the 10th, Kara on New Year's Eve, and now Dan too on the 15th. As if the Christmas season wasn't jam-packed enough...or hard enough on my wallet!
So now, the busiest of months begins - Christmas gatherings with friends, birthday parties for family members, the parade, Dane Cook on the 11th, a Sens game on the 21st...
Let the Christmas Craziness BEGIN! :)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Murder at the Trickle Creek Lodge!

(Cast photo thieved from Kristen Hodgins' Facebook - from left to right - Laura Stewart, Lynn Kearns, Rolly Bernier, Steph Belanger, Troy Cote, Sherri-Lynn Foran, Curtis Hudson, Pat Carty with Shadow, and Shawn Laframboise)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
How Much I Loved New Moon...
It's impossible for me to write a re-cap that would fully capture how much I loved New Moon. So instead, I'm just going to give you a list of 20 reasons why I loved New Moon. And here they are, in no particular order.
1. Taylor Lautner takes his shirt off.

Friday, November 13, 2009
I Heart Fridays
But this one is super-special, 'cause we're now officially ONE WEEK away from The Twilight Saga: New Moon hitting theatres! Can't wait!
And here are a few reasons why I can't wait:

Anyways, found a smokin' pic of Justin Chambers that I hadn't seen before, thought I'd share it with the female public out there:

And, because I'm dropping in so many yummy pics this week...well, here's one of my favourites of Wade in his NYR duds:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Newest Canadian TV Star...

Monday, November 09, 2009
When Things Go Bump in the Night...

Friday, November 06, 2009

Thursday, November 05, 2009
Snow Day!
(But for the record - that doesn't seem like all that long ago in my world. Where the heck did October go?!)
Anyways - good thing ball season's over, 'cause November has hit with a bang. Yes, that's right, a nice little dusting of snow today to remind us all that fall is officially over and we're swinging very quickly into the holiday season! YESSSSSSSSS!
But does anybody remember the early hit of snow we took last year? Makes today look like nothin'. It came on October 28th last year. And it was a good couple of inches. Complete ground cover. For most people in the area, it was a nightmare.
However for me - the kid who loves all things snowy and Christmassy - it rocked!
I love November. It's when the slow build of excitement leading up to December 25th begins. This is the time of year I start my Christmas shopping, start booking holiday parties, and start lining up the Christmas tunes and holiday movies for the weeks to come.
How quickly I've moved from Scream (yikes, had enough of that last weekend...) to Home Alone.
Oh, and there's another reason why I love November - this November in particular. A little movie coming out that I've been anxiously waiting for.
November 20th. Twilight Saga: New Moon hits theatres. I...can't...wait.
Ah, Edward. How I've missed thee.
So my vow for November is to try and get back into this Blogging thang, and I'm sure by the time I get to see New Moon, you will have all heard so much about it, you'll be wishing I'd disappear again!
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
The Unfortunate Ending
Friday, October 02, 2009
One Win Away...
And the Quyon COMBAT Flyers are still playing ball.
It's been a crazy-awesome couple of months, following their succesful journey to the Tournament of Champions in Quad Cities, then back home to their own GOFL playoffs, where they have battled their way to the finals, and also a big weekend that saw them crowned the winners of the 2009 Challenge Cup, awarding them one of the first berths in the 2010 ToC.
It's been an outstanding season thus far. And it's not over yet.

The 56'ers are a formidable opponent, considering they finished first in league standings this year, with an impressive 17-1-2 record. When Quyon defeated them 4-3 in a tight match up in game 2, it was the first time they beat Stittsville all year.
Last night, it was another nail-biter. Actually, no. I didn't bite my nails, because I had mittens on. It was freakin' cold. But the fans that did brave the frigid night air were not disappointed - it was a tense, exciting game, as it went scoreless for quite sometime - a pitching duel between Stittsville's Dan Bradley and Quyon's Drew Hathway.
Stittsville got on the scoreboard first with a solo homerun, but Matt Greer answered back, hitting his own solo to draw the score even again. After seven innings (and having to witness my boneheaded brother strikeout with the bases loaded in the top of 7...where was that magical homerun when we really needed it, huh?!?) the score remained dead-locked, and we were headed to extra innings.
In the top of 8, Luke started the inning on second base because of the extra-inning rule, and ended up stealing 3rd. Greer hit a sac fly on which Luke tagged and scored, giving the Flyers the 2-1 lead. In the bottom of 8, things pretty much went the same, with the Stittsville player who started on 2nd base ending up stealing 3rd. Then Hathway struck out 2 batters, and it all came down to one of Stittsville's best sticks, Scott Herriot. With the count at 3 balls 2 strikes, Herriot was all set to take his walk, but was called out on a controversial third strike. The 56'ers didn't like the call, but nevertheless, the Flyers gathered at the mound to celebrate the win!
So now, with the 2-1 series lead, the boys will be back in the Q, 7:30 Monday night, and should they win, they will take home their first-ever GOFL Championship title. But if they don't get the W, they will still have another crack at it Tuesday night, back in Stittsville for game 5 if necessary.
Monday night will be possibly the biggest game the Flyers have ever played, so make sure you bundle up and get out there to cheer them on!! I guarantee that if they win, the victory beers will be mighty tasty!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Kings of Leon + Quyon Flyers = Great Weekend!
I couldn't have been more wrong. Not only was the concert amazing, I came away with an even greater appreciation for the band, their sound, and their songs. I knew I liked them before I went in the doors; when I came out, I was a huge fan.
Opening band Glasvegas was about the only low-light for me. They kicked off the night with what I considered a dark and dreary set. And I SWEAR I could be their drummer - anyone could do what that chick did, it was like the easy level on Rock Band. Nothing they did impressed me. Not one of their songs was my kind of thing. Seriously, Jumpin' Jimmy at the Barley Mow's open mic night (where we had dinner) was more entertaining.
But that didn't matter, 'cause when KOL hit the stage with an eerie opening performance of "Closer", Glasvegas were already out of my mind. They killed it with their southern-rock with its very own unique flavour. Whether hearing new songs that I now can't get enough of, like "The Bucket", "I Want You", "Four Kicks", and "Be Somebody" - or getting lost in the songs that were already my favourites, like "Sex on Fire", "Fans", "Notion", and my ultimate #1 "Use Somebody" - I was never disappointed.
I also was introduced to their song "Cold Desert", a slow-moving, climax-building tune that had fans on the floor crowd surfing - I just can't stop listening to it. Love it. Love it.
Doesn't hurt that band members the Followill brothers and their cousin aren't too hard to look at, either...
So that awesome Thursday night concert kicked off what was to be an even more awesome weekend, as the Quyon COMBAT Flyers, fresh off their win to advance to the GOFL finals, were taking part in the Challenge Cup tournament in McNab/Braeside on Saturday and Sunday. The winning team would secure an early berth at the 2010 ISC II Tournament of Champions, slated to run next August in Midland, Michigan.
The Flyers ended up gaining the benefit of a schedule change when their first-round opponent Napanee bowed out of the tournament at the last minute, earning Quyon a bye through to the 11 AM game versus their league rivals, Carp I4C Victory. The handled them easily, taking it 7-1 with Chad Hargrove getting the win on the mound.
That jumped them right into the 'undefeated game' at 5 PM against the North Fred Kings (from the Kingston area). Buzz around the ball park was that North Fred appeared to be the team to beat, as they had already defeated two of the best teams in the tournament, Team Easton and the Donnacona Blue Sox. Regardless, the Flyers again made it look easy, with the final being 5-1 and Drew Hathway was the winning pitcher.
That win advanced the Flyers to the finals. As the undefeated team in the tournament, they had to be beaten twice to lose the tournament, a double-knockout format. Once again, the North Fred Kings were their opponent, after they had gone on to defeat Carp to make the finals.
Two games weren't needed to crown the Flyers as the champions - in fact, only 3 1/2 innings of the first game were necessary, as North Fred seemed to finally run out of gas. One of their players was ejected from the game, and all of their substitutes had been used, so they were forced to end the game with the Flyers ahead 7-3, and pitcher Joran Graham got the W.
So next August, the Flyers will be headed to Midland, Michigan, and they have the honour of being one of the first teams to qualify for the 2010 ToC! Congrats, guys! Things sort of came crashing back down last night, however, as the Flyers lost the opening game of their best-of-5 GOFL finals to the Stittsville 56'ers. They actually jumped out to an early 1-0 lead in the game, and they held that lead for a few innings before Stittsville discovered their bats and ended up mercying them after 6 innings, with a final score of 7-1.
Hoping for better luck on Thursday night in Quyon, game time 7:30 - come out and cheer on the hometown team!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Flyers Advance to GOFL Finals!!
It was frickin' freezing.
But was it worth it to sit out in the frigid night air and literally turn into a popsicle, just to see the Quyon COMBAT Flyers beat Ottawa Team Easton 8-3 in 9 innings to take their semi-final series 3-2??
The boys kept me busy by giving me the job of keeping Joe (still in hospital) in the loop via BlackBerry messages, and in the third inning I somehow inherited the position of scorekeeper as well. I actually feel like I barely saw any of the game - so many times, I was left to ask Mom & Dad, "OK, what just happened?" Between Joe asking questions and me trying not to sound like a retard in explaining to him what was going on, and attempting to keep the scorebook accurate, I hardly had time to actually watch the game.
But thanks to my jobs, I pretty much can tell you every detail of last night's game!
Thanks to back-to-back triples in the second inning by Steve McCord and Curtis Daley, Quyon took a 1-0 lead on Easton. They answered back with a run of their own, so at the top of 6, with the score tied, Easton pulled ace pitcher Corey Costello from the game, replacing him with Brad Porter.
Extra innings were necessary with the score still tied at 1 after 7. In the top of 8, Quyon scored 2 runs, but Easton again pulled even in the bottom of the inning. It wasn't until the top of 9 that Quyon finally took command of the game. With a runner placed on second to start the inning (the rule during extra innings), Shawn Laframboise singled, bringing my own darling brother to the plate. Magically - somehow - I didn't think he was capable of it (haha) - Luke hit a homerun!! His bomb brought in three runs, and with no outs, the Flyers weren't done yet. Two more runs scored, giving the Flyers the huge 8-3 lead.
Easton never really threatened in the bottom of 9 thanks to stellar pitching by Drew Hathway, who threw all 9 innings for Quyon. And just like that - the Quyon COMBAT Flyers advance to the GOFL finals for the first time!!
I'm so excited for the guys - what a thrilling game, and the promise of more ball against the Stittsville 56'ers in the Finals makes me a very happy kid. I wasn't ready yet for ball to end...
But as I said last night - might have to break out the snowpants for the Finals!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
So Much Going On!!
Still with the sports - the Ottawa Senators started their pre-season last night, opening up with a 3-1 loss to the Florida Panthers. Sens fans had their first peek at new goaltender Pascal Leclaire, who was acquired last season at the trade deadline; however, due to injuries, he was unavailable to play until now. Considering the guy hasn't seen NHL action since last January, and was replaced half-way through the second last night by Robin Lehner, I would say no one should be jumping to conclusions about Leclaire's capabilities based on his first appearance in net this year. Once he settles in and gets some more action, we'll see what this guy is all about.
On Saturday, the Senators finally got rid of the summer-long circus that was Dany Heatley. The former fan favourite had demanded a trade, and became one of the biggest hockey villains this city had ever seen - right up there with the likes of Alexei Yashin and Ray Emery. It's such a relief to no longer have to listen to and read about the Heatley Saga. Shipping him off to San Jose in exchange for Jonathan Cheechoo and Milan Michalek might not have improved the talent on this team, but it got rid of a cancer in the dressing room and one of the biggest egos in the NHL. Farewell, Dany, hope I never have to hear your name mentioned again!!
In other news, the death of actor Patrick Swayze at age 57 is in all the entertainment headlines this week. Swayze passed away Monday after a battle with pancreatic cancer. I had heard of his health struggles, but for some reason, I was still shocked to learn of his death. How many times have I watched Dirty Dancing and Ghost, and literally drooled over the man? Doesn't seem right that he's gone... Once again, another star has left too soon.
And last but not least...Yes, I did it. I got tickets to Kings of Leon. I swore I wasn't spending any more money on concerts this year, but the temptation was too great!! The concert is tomorrow night at SBP, and I can't wait!! I'll be sure to give a re-cap on Friday. :)