- Glee...more specifically, the FLASH MOB scene from last night's episode!! When Puck & Kurt persuaded Rachel to the mall to "talk" to her about her decision to get a nose job, I knew we were in for a treat! I love flash mobs. I Youtube them all the time. So yes, I was a big fan of the Glee version last night! (Also, quite enjoyed it when the Warblers showed up on the school steps to bid farewell to Kurt - not really a "flash mob", per se, but an unexpected public performance nonetheless... I would LOVE to be somewhere when everyone around me bursts into song!)
- Sticking with Glee, I loved the theme of last night's episode - "Born This Way", and more importantly, embracing the things we hate most about ourselves. Recently, local charities and foundations have been trying to spread awareness about mental health, especially with the DIFD - Do It For Daron Campaign, which I blogged about here. Glee tackled the issue last night by putting the spotlight on Emma and her battle with OCD. The more we hear about this and see it on our favourite TV shows, the closer we'll come to erasing the stigma that goes along with mental health issues. Good job, Glee!!
- You would think if I was going to stay up past my bedtime, it would've been to watch the Canucks game. But no. No, I stayed up til 11 watching the premiere episdoe of "The Voice"...and I loooooved it!! I'm hooked! I have an insta-crush on Adam Levine.
- Speaking of "The Voice"...I hear Lukas Rossi, who I once-upon-a-time fell in love with on "Rockstar" is going to be a contestant. Yayyyy!!!
- Oh, and that Canucks game I didn't watch? Made me quite happy to hear they won their Game 7 cliffhanger over the defending Stanley Cup Champs in OT. Woo-Hoo!!! (For those of you wondering why I'm not doing a happy dance over the Habs win - sorry, just can't cheer for them!!)
That's what I'm loving this Wednesday :)
Glee was great! ALl of it was good!
Lukas Rossi? Wasn't he the one who won that season of Rockstar!? I missed The Voice, but I've been hearing alot about it today... I'll prob check it out next week!
Agreed! One of my fave Glee episodes last night!!
And yep, the same Lukas! I was soooo his biggest fan on Rockstar, apparently he's getting another chance on The Voice in an upcoming episode. Can't wait!
I actually liked him the least that season... lol.
I think there was a guy named Ryan Starr that I wanted to win. And I think Toby was on that season... he was yummy! ;)
haha - Lukas is an "acquired taste" - not to everybody's liking! I wasn't a Ryan Starr fan, but I DID like Toby - so hot!!
Still never watched Glee... it conflicts with my Dancing with the Stars :) LOL
What awesome things you are loving today! Hope you had a great Wednesday!
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