I told you guys the pink briefs were hot...
Um, yeah. Wrong about that, eh Phil? After the two teams were fairly neck-in-neck throughout most of the challenge, it came down to a face-off between Ralph and Phillip as they were the designated ball-throwers, trying to break 5 tiles and win the challenge. Ralph won. Not Phillip. Echoes of his pre-challenge pompous statement came back to haunt him.
Fortunately for Phillip, Rob, clearly still in the driver's seat of this tribe, had other plans. Completely pissed off that good Christian boy Matt went to shake the hands of his opponents after their triumphant win, Rob had changed his original plans of voting off Phillip or Andrea, and instead set his sights on Matt.

Phillip again caused Tribal Council giggles when he showed Jeff & his tribemates the animal tattoos on his biceps - one a lion, the other a gorilla - and then spouted off about becoming an animal when someone attacks his family or his country. When attacked by the other tribe? Apparently he becomes a kitten or something. However, Rob had Phillip tucked safely under his wing, preventing any more episodes like last week's Tribal Council Truth Circle. His sneaky little trick to keep Phil's yap shut? Told him he'd indicate who to vote for by touching that person's right shoulder right before voting. Smart move. It prevented Phillip from spilling the beans. Rob wisely tapped Kristina's shoulder, knowing she would be playing her idol, so Phillip's vote really didn't play into Rob's "Let's Blindside Matt" plan. Matt received the most votes and was shown the door to Redemption Island.
I know I haven't blogged yet about this season, and I only saw the last hour of the two-hour episode, when they began whittling the Top 40 to the Top 24. This is the first time in a few years that I've actually been paying attention to Idol again. For one thing, I love the addition of Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez to the judges panel. I didn't think this show could survive without Simon Cowell, but apparently it can - I think it might even be better. It's a little odd that Randy is now the "mean" one, as he doesn't hold a candle to Simon's bitter, blunt judgements, but overall, the group dynamic is perfect.
Oh, and by the way, I looooooooooooove Steven Tyler.
What I did not love? That they sent Chris Medina home. Especially after he did an amazing job in his final performance with Coldplay's "Fix You".
Chris' story touched many Idol fans after we met him in the audition rounds. Chris brought along his fiancee Juliana, who he was set to marry a few years ago, but months before the wedding, she was in a terrible accident that has left her wheelchair-bound and severly disabled. Julie wasn't expected to live after the accident, but she fought hard to survive, and Chris stuck by her while their dream life together crumbled around them.

If there was anyone that deserved this shot, it was Chris. I was floored when the told him he hadn't made it through. He handled it with class and grace, thanking the judges for the opportunity, shaking their hands, and promising to continue on for himself and Juliana. I think J.Lo would've been happier if he'd fallen apart, screamed profranities, and told them all to go to hell. His humble farewell left her in tears and telling Randy and Steven that she doesn't want to continue on.
And so the show wrapped, leaving us wondering if Jenny from the Block will be back alongside her judging buddies tonight when they finally reveal the Top 24...DUN DUN DUNNNNNHHHHHHHH...
Any Off the Map fans out there? This is the new one from the creators of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice, which debuted in early 2011, and so far, I'm loving it. The problem? It's on at 10 PM, and I rarely stay up to watch 10 PM shows. If I get my act together, I can catch it at 7 on one of the eastern stations, but of course last night I forgot and went to scrapbooking.
So I tried to stay up later last night to watch it. I fell asleep 10 minutes in, so I don't really have much to say about it. Other than this: If you haven't tuned into it already, you should. The biggest delight for me is that Zach Gilford plays one of the young docs who ventures to an isolated, primitive area in South America to work in the lone clinic in the area. Gilford once played the handsome, bumbling quarterback Matt Seracen on my beloved Friday Night Lights. Along with Gilford, it's fun to pick out former Grey's and Private Practice alumni who have graduated on to this new show. Also starring is Rachelle Lefebvre, who previously played evil vampire Victoria in the first two Twilight flicks.

Hot doctors. Hot sun. Hot location. Yep. This show is hot, hot, HOT!!
So that's my Wednesday night story. String it all together and you might have an actual full-length TV show.