I'm loving the video of The Lonely Island and Jimmy Fallon performing their song "I'm On A Boat" with classroom instruments. I had never heard of The Lonely Island or this song before, but it totally made my day. It's been stuck in my head ever since. Andy Samberg is awesome, and we all know how I feel about Jimmy... ;)
I love my new favourite non-swear word, also courtesy of The Lonely Island and "I'm On A Boat" - Mickeyfickey is a great way to vent some anger without saying the "real" word. I've been "mickeyfickey'ing" a lot since I learned that one!!
I'm so loving the Netflix show Bloodline. I was debating on the weekend what show I should start next. I am into The Office, and quite enjoying it, but I felt there was room for another show in my life at the same time. I was debating between Bloodline and House of Cards. The deciding factor was Kyle Chandler's sexiness. He trumps Kevin Spacey, BIG time.
And I'm loving Kyle Chander as John Rayburn in Bloodline JUST as much as I loved him as Coach Taylor in Friday Night Lights. There is just something so irresistible about that man!
Back to The Office... Yes, I do love it as well! And I am also quickly falling for John Krasinksi, who plays Jim. I remember loving him in the movie "Something Borrowed", but he hasn't really been on my radar otherwise. He is now!!!
Have I mentioned lately that I love Netflix? Oh, how I love my Netflix. Especially now that it seems to work on a semi-regular basis.
I LOVE that Relay for Life is on Saturday, and with each passing day, I grow more excited. As that night grows longer, the silliness in our camp can get a little ridiculous, and those are the moments at Relay for Life that I love most. We shed tears that night, to be sure... and it's nice that many of them come from laughter!
On a more somber note, I have to mention my love for the people surrounding me - the family and friends who are supporting me in my Relay for Life efforts. I'm sure I'll have more to say on that subject in coming days, but today I couldn't talk about the things I love most without mentioning those who have sponsored me and helped boost me well past my goal of raising $500 for the Canadian Cancer Society. Cancer is an evil and nasty disease, and it's hard to find someone who hasn't been touched by it. I walk in memory of Dad, but there are just too many people in my life who have battled, are battling, or have lost their fight. Just this week, a cousin of mine lost his battle, and of course I was devastated by the news that The Tragically Hip's lead singer, Gord Downie, has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. It hurts terribly to think of all of those who have been effected. I will be holding them all in my heart as I walk on Saturday night. <3 div="">