Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tuesday Randoms

  • After spending almost every evening last week sleeping on the couch, I felt like I was productive for the first time in forever last night.  I did laundry, used up leftover sloppy joe meat on nachos for supper, read, and crocheted while watching Addams Family Values.  It felt good to NOT be zonked out by 7 PM!
  • I don't know if I ever saw Addams Family Values when I was a kid (I'm sure I did, but I don't remember it) - but man oh man, "kids" movies were sure different back then!  The innuendo, dark humour, and flat-out not-PG content was on display LARGE.  Our parents really didn't care what we watched, did they?
  • As we know, I've been doing mostly Scary Light this spooky season.  I've watched a few legit scary ones, but for the most part, I've kept it to things like Hocus Pocus, Disney's Ichabod, and the aforementioned Addams Family.  Tonight is supposed to be Casper, but for some reason, I'm feeling this pull to watch one of my old faves, Halloween: H20.  I really ought to stick with Casper...
  • Truthfully, the scariest thing I've done this October is read Doctor Sleep by Stephen King.  I'm still only about a third of the way in, and nothing SUPER scary has happened yet, but it's chilling.  It leaves me feeling unsettled.  I've even had to stop having baths because I usually read in the bath and this book freaks me out too much to read it in the bath.  (I know, this makes no sense, but... welcome inside my brain.)  I now have very quick showers that leave me with burning eyes because I can't close my eyes and I get shampoo in them all the time.  
  • I still haven't carved pumpkins yet, but I'm thinking that will be the job for tomorrow night.  If my pumpkins are even still good.  They've been sitting on my front step for almost a month now, they may be too weathered.  And you know what?  I don't really love carving pumpkins.  I do it because it feels like a Halloween must, but... if I don't do it this year, I won't cry over it.
  • I'm going to have to talk to my mom about what we're having for our "fun" Halloween supper.  I have a lasagna in my freezer that might make a good supper that night.  I've also thought of pizza muffins and snacky stuff like chips and dip or nachos.  Decisions, decisions.
  • Unfortunately, the weather is not looking too good for the poor little trick-or-treaters on Thursday.  It's supposed to rain all flipping day.  I have a feeling it could be a quiet evening on Stanton Road.
  • So, I mentioned a few weeks ago that I tried getting into the Netflix show The Ranch but that I wasn't really digging it.  Still, I kept putting it on in the evenings while I crocheted, and guess what... I finally got into it!  I'm now in Part 4 of 7, and I definitely look forward to watching a couple of episodes each night.  I'm sure I'll have it all done up just in time to start watching Christmas specials and movies!!
  • I'm doing my ever-loving best to stay in the moment, but it's so hard right now, on the verge of November, to keep my thoughts on Halloween and not jump ahead to Christmas.  I made my Christmas gift shopping list this morning (or wrote down ideas I have for everyone), and I am already making plans in my mind for holiday prep.  For example, I have the weekend of Nov. 15-17 slotted in my head for decorating the house, and I am already mentally tallying what I need to get for Christmas baking.  My favourite time of year is almost here, and I'm soooo excited!!
  • But NO, JILL!!  NO!!!  FIRST:  HALLOWEEN!!  Casper tonight (or maybe Halloween: H20), pumpkin carving, seed roasting, making my cheese ball for work for Thursday, getting my costume ready... Trick-or-Treating time is almost here!!! :)

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I am handing out candy for the first time and I don't have a pumpkin either...have to find one between now and Thursday (kids like carving, I only like de-gutting and seeds)