Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rainy Day, Take 2

So here we are, another dark and dreary day.  I love a rainy day, but two in a row?  Bleh.  I'm kinda over it. 

Yesterday, I talked about my rainy evening plans to make chili, bake biscuits and cookies.  But then afternoon hit and I got sleepy and less ambitious, so I chucked the chili plan.  I just did the biscuits and cookies.  The biscuits came together quickly and turned out beautifully, but the cookies were just meh.  For one thing, I hadn't read the recipe through and didn't realize I had to chill the dough for at least 2 hours.  Then, once the "wait time" was over, I think I under-baked them, and the end result didn't taste that amazing anyways.  Kind of a waste of ingredients in what was supposed to be "the best pumpkin cookies ever". 

But the biscuits!  They were a success!!  I had one with egg and cheese on it for dinner and it was delicious.  I packed a second biscuit-egg-cheese sandwich for lunch today.  What to do with the rest?  I suppose I could still make that chili for supper tonight... Or maybe just freeze the rest.  I don't know.

Side note:  I love to cook.  I love to bake.  Do you know what I do NOT love?  Doing dishes.  ugh.  That is my single biggest reason for NOT making something:  I hate the thoughts of the clean-up afterwards.  It will be the reason that I probably do not make chili tonight.

In other news, I am having a new weird head problem.  You may recall the strange electrical-pulse like headaches that I had behind my left ear early in the summer that caused me to panic.  They went away after a few days, and all has been fine since.  Suddenly yesterday, I began having weird pulsing sensations on the left side of my head.  Not behind the ear.  Kind of above the temple area.  At first, it reminded me of when your eyelid twitches and you can't get it to stop.  But it has continued ever since, off and on, and it kind of feels like an alien is trying to dig its way out of my head.  I don't notice it when I'm busy, but when I'm just sitting still, there it is.  Of course, Dr. Google tells me I'm either: A) Fine or B) Dying.  It's not painful, just annoying, so I think I'll wait it out and hope it goes away like the other weird head issue did.  Fingers crossed.

Ever wonder why I don't get normal problems?  Like, say, a cold?  Or a sore shoulder?  Or an aching tooth?  No, I get electrical pulses behind my ear and aliens trying to escape my brain.  Awesome.

Moving on... I finished Outlander Season 4 last night, and it was SO good!  I liked it so much better than Season 3.  I really enjoyed the coming-to-America, pioneer storyline, and the incorporation of Brianna and her love story.  So much weird stuff went down in the last season, it was a relief to get back to more "normal" situations.  As normal as you can get for a story about time travel, I guess.  Now I'm unsure of what to watch next.  Back to The Ranch?  It wasn't really floating my boat, but I guess I started it so I should finish it.

This morning in the office, we have discussed the best chinese food in the area, the best pizza in the area, and how long it has been since we've had Kentucky Fried Chicken.  Needless to say, I am now craving chinese food, pizza, and KFC.  Just dandy.

Even though I'm kind of over the rainy day, I do still daydream about being home, cozied up, reading and watching movies and crocheting.  Ah, if only...

Why do short weeks always seem so long?  Come onnnnnnnnnnnnn Friday!!


Stacy said...

I think you are special that you have electrifying illnesses...maybe you are part robot or something!

Ugh, how can you ever crave KFC, total regret after you have it, no? Yuck!

Rev. Nancy said...

Your posts always make me smile. I'd love the biscuit recipe!