Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What I'm Lovin' this Wednesday

Half-way through the week... time to look around for the things I'm loving this Wednesday!

I know I'm only a few days into this "turning a new leaf" thing, but I'm loving how much better I feel already.  The sad part is I knew I would feel so much better if I could just get a few solid days of healthy eating and exercise back under my belt, but I kept putting it off for some reason.  Why?  Why do I do that to myself?!

I'm also loving my new, more realistic goals that I have in mind.  I don't want to get back to being the smallest I've ever been, because clearly, I can't maintain that.  But I would like to drop about 20-25 lbs, because I think that's more attainable, and I think with a little hard work and willpower, it's a weight I could stick with.  That being said, I haven't stepped on a scale in months, and I have no idea how much I currently weigh, nor do I want to become chained to the scales again.  I'm just hoping I'll start to notice it in my clothes fitting better, maybe even by going back down a size.  *fingers crossed*

I'm loving the cooler temperatures today, which feel much more like fall!  As much as I love autumn, it's been hard to get into a that frame of mind when it's been so flipping hot out.  But today, it's overcast, there's a breeze rustling the trees, there's a chill in the air... Finally feels like fall!

I love that I'm back into a routine of evening walks.  I've been sporadic at best throughout the summer, but lately, I've been making more of a concerted effort to get my ass out there right after work.  I feel SO much better when I get an evening walk in.

Also, loving that my fall on the basement stairs Monday morning hasn't hindered me from continuing to be active.  Aside from a pretty nasty looking bruise on my back, the worst of it seems to be a stiff/sore neck (whiplash? can you get whiplash from falling down the stairs??) - so that doesn't slow me down when it comes to walking.  The only thing is that I intended to start doing crunches every day again, but my neck is too sore for that. (I tend to yank on my neck probably too hard when I'm doing ab exercises.)  Once it gets back to normal, I'll start up the crunches and ab exercises.

Perhaps what I should be loving is that I didn't LET the fall hinder me from being more active?  Old Jill would have used it as an excuse.  "Bah.  I fell down the stairs.  My life sucks balls.  I give up."  NOPE!!  Not this time, Old Jill!!  Not this time!!!

Have I mentioned lately that I'm still totally madly deeply in love with The Tragically Hip?  Yes, my Hip infatuation continues.  I've listened to hardly anything else for well over a month now. At the time of the concert, I was obsessed with all their old songs, but in recent weeks, I'm discovering an admiration for some of their newer stuff (the stuff I thought I didn't like).  Since getting their "We Are the Same" album last week, I've been listening to it on repeat and really enjoying it!!

I'm really loving Bloodline now that I'm back into it on Netflix.  The first season is like a slow burn, and now that I'm nearing the end of it, I can't wait to see what's going to happen.

Oh, and also, I know I've said it before, repeatedly, but I love Kyle Chandler.  Love him so much.

I love that I'm now only a few weeks away from my little get-away weekend to Kingston!!  I can't wait!!

And I'm loving thinking up movies for Scary Movie Marathon!  Oh, I know, it's still over a month away, but I think choosing the scary movies I'm going to subject Lindsay to is half the fun! ;)

Hope you're all having a great week! :)


Stacy said...

Whats the occasion going to Kingston?

Nancy said...

I love Kingston. That's where I had my first ride on a city bus,lived alone, went to school, twice, met my sweetie Reg,fell in love, and had our twins. Have a terrific get away!