I know, I know...it's been almost two weeks since Sandra Diaz-Twine was crowned the victor in the epic Heroes vs. Villains Suvivor showdown. And still no re-cap.
Is it too late for a re-cap? Probably. I'm sure every scribe who followed this magnificent season that was like pure candy to Survivor fans has already written up their report and put it to bed. And I've meant to do mine countless times, but time has not been my friend these past few weeks. Life is hectic. Work is hectic. Everything is just so damn...hectic.
So what do I really want to say? How about the Colbster. Last-standing hero. How perfect. Even if he does seem to have weakened and shriveled up from his glory days, Colby Donaldson is the epitome of the Survivor hero. And Colby came sooo close to making it to the final 4. It came down to him & Parvati in the final challenge, which had them balancing a stack of dishes on a long pole. Colby knew he needed to win it. But unfortunately, this season, challenges were not Colby's forté. (Although, I loved it during the reunion hour when Probst told Parvati she was tied for second for winning most challenges in Survivor history. When she asked who was first, he pointed down the row, and said, "That would be Mr. Colby Donaldson who owns that title". Awesome.) When his dishes tumbled, he knew his game was done. He still tried to work some magic with Russell, but in the end, the villains stuck together and Colby said good-bye.
Then there was my girl Jerri. "My girl". ha! I got stuck with her in Stacy's Survior pool, which was rather ironic since she was Colby's arch-nemesis from the past. But as it turns out? The girl who fans hated so much that they drove her from the All-Stars reunion show in tears - well, she's not so villainous after all. Compared to the tribe of sneaks and swindlers and snakes she was lumped in with, Jerri was actually kind of a sweetheart. A bit wishy-washy, a bit of a coat-tail rider, but not nearly as evil-minded as the rest of them. By the end? I was actually sort of rooting for her.
Jerri was too soft to take this game, though. And it seemed only fitting that the three biggest villains were left standing in the end. Parvati, Russell, and Sandra. The women were both former winners, and Russell had just finished as runner-up in Samoa before heading back out for Heroes vs. Villains. Did anyone want to see any of them win? No. But at the end of the day, I'd say the lesser of the 3 evils took home the prize. Sandra is a sneaky, eaves-dropping, disloyal fiend, but I was happy to see her de-throne the "King and Queen" of Survivor, as Russell and Parvati had annointed themselves.
Speaking of Russell - this man is clearly delusional. He played the same game - twice in a row - and lost both times, yet still he insists he is the best player ever. He claims the game is flawed - that America should get a vote - because he would win hands-down. It's laughable how he argues with Probst throughout the reunion show, trying to prove this point, all while Probst insists back at him that the public vote means nothing on Survivor. It's not a popularity contest. Shut up, Russell.
And it still baffles me that he would win that popularity vote, as he did in the on-line fan favourite, taking the prize money over Rupert. Why do people love this guy? I don't get it. I just don't get it.
If Russell would listen for a few seconds, he would have heard the truth that Boston Rob laid out for him at the reunion - when asked to explain how Russell differs from himself, Rob said that Russell plays a dirty game that gets him to the end, but he does not play to win. If he was playing to win, he'd be taking better care of his social game rather than pissing people off left, right, and centre.
But he still doesn't get it. What a doorknob.
So at the end of the day, Sandra stands alone as the best of the best, ruling all of the heroes and villains. It was a fun season to watch. I have a hard time believing they can match the intensity and craziness of this 20th Anniversary edition.
And I'm a little sad, because I'm pretty sure Colby's Survivor days are officially over; however, it was pretty great while it lasted.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Friday Round-Up
It's been another busy week, lots to talk about it, but no time to do it!
Here's a quick Friday round-up:
THE HABS - Ohhh, how I hate them. Many fans of other teams - especially Sens and Leaf fans - are jumping on their bandwagon, but I just can't do it. Believe it or not, a few weeks after despising the Penguins for knocking my team out of the playoffs, I was rooting for them against les Canadiens. I've heard the argument that they're the last Canadian team, and that I should be cheering for them. But I just can't. And it's not even the team. For the most part, I like the the players, and I really like the coach. But the majority of their fans have turned me right off. I hate the Olé crap. I hate the "Na na na na" song. I hate the sight of their car flags. I hate my co-workers who are Hab fans dancing around in their jerseys and rubbing it my face. I hate the minority of jackasses who riot - they're not even in the finals yet, idiots!!
But most of all? I hate that it's not me. Pure jealousy. Go Philly.
THE FLYERS (not hockey - the fastball team) - Stupid 8:30 games in far-off places like Stittsville. No fastball games for me this week. But the Quyon COMBAT Flyers did take on the 56'ers Wednesday night, and came home with a huge 10-1 win over the league's defending champs. This weekend, the team is headed to Millgrove, ON for a tournament. Good luck Flyers!
SURVIVOR - Colby! Top 5! Yeahhhh!! Will he win? Absolutely not. He'll be the first sent home Sunday night during the 2-hour finale, guaranteed. Why? Because he's the last remaining Hero, after Rupert was voted out last night. And because he can't win a challenge to save his soul. It truly is a miracle that he's lasted this long, considering the number of times his ass has been on the line. After last night's episode, I believe the two least-deserving of winning the $1M prize out of the Top 5 are Colby and Jerri, and I think it's because they're from a bygone era of Survivor competitors - back before things were so malicious and sneaky - before there was this much backstabbing and blindsiding. In the Outback, Jerri was a genuine villain, and Colby was a bonafide hero. Now, she looks like a coat-tail-riding pansy, and he looks like a resigned, tired, wuss. Yeah. Colby kinda sucks. But at least I've got to watch him right through to the final episode, and that makes me a happy kid! Woo!
GREY'S ANATOMY - Hoooo baby, things are about to get crazy at Seattle Grace-Mercy West! But first - last night - Dr. Bailey gettin' busy with sexy anesthesiologist Ben. YUM. That man...I tell you...he could give McDreamy, McSteamy, Hunt, Karev, Avery - he could give 'em all a run for their money. And when he stripped while Bailey babbled about her personal life being personal? Holy smokes. I couldn't even hear what she was saying. That was just about as hot as the infamous McSteamy-in-a-towel scene from Season...2 I think? Speaking of which, we kind of got a reprise of that last night, too! McSteamy coming out of the bathroom to find both Reed and Teddy in his room (and yes, that had to be a metaphorical puff of steam that followed him out of the bathroom...humina humina...McSteeeeeeeeeeamy!) But at the end of the day? My guy Alex. He's still the one. How he helped that girl who had been misdiagnosed as schizophrenic? Loved him for that. But it looks like Alex is about to get the crappy end of the stick again. He said it himself - he's done crazy - dealt with it growing up, dated it...he's ready to settle down and be normal. And he thinks he's found that with Lexi. Unfortunately for Alex, McSteamy isn't done with her yet...his passionate plea at the end of last night for her to give him another chance - Did he propose ? I think he did! - well, I forsee Alex being left in the dust yet again.
Not fair. Not fair at all. Can we please get Karev a happy storyline? Please!?!?
Next week - season finale - and all hell's breaking loose. There's going to be a shooter in the hospital. And in the preview, it said, "Who will fall?" Oh my God. I can't WAIT!
Have a great weekend!!
Here's a quick Friday round-up:
THE HABS - Ohhh, how I hate them. Many fans of other teams - especially Sens and Leaf fans - are jumping on their bandwagon, but I just can't do it. Believe it or not, a few weeks after despising the Penguins for knocking my team out of the playoffs, I was rooting for them against les Canadiens. I've heard the argument that they're the last Canadian team, and that I should be cheering for them. But I just can't. And it's not even the team. For the most part, I like the the players, and I really like the coach. But the majority of their fans have turned me right off. I hate the Olé crap. I hate the "Na na na na" song. I hate the sight of their car flags. I hate my co-workers who are Hab fans dancing around in their jerseys and rubbing it my face. I hate the minority of jackasses who riot - they're not even in the finals yet, idiots!!
But most of all? I hate that it's not me. Pure jealousy. Go Philly.
THE FLYERS (not hockey - the fastball team) - Stupid 8:30 games in far-off places like Stittsville. No fastball games for me this week. But the Quyon COMBAT Flyers did take on the 56'ers Wednesday night, and came home with a huge 10-1 win over the league's defending champs. This weekend, the team is headed to Millgrove, ON for a tournament. Good luck Flyers!
SURVIVOR - Colby! Top 5! Yeahhhh!! Will he win? Absolutely not. He'll be the first sent home Sunday night during the 2-hour finale, guaranteed. Why? Because he's the last remaining Hero, after Rupert was voted out last night. And because he can't win a challenge to save his soul. It truly is a miracle that he's lasted this long, considering the number of times his ass has been on the line. After last night's episode, I believe the two least-deserving of winning the $1M prize out of the Top 5 are Colby and Jerri, and I think it's because they're from a bygone era of Survivor competitors - back before things were so malicious and sneaky - before there was this much backstabbing and blindsiding. In the Outback, Jerri was a genuine villain, and Colby was a bonafide hero. Now, she looks like a coat-tail-riding pansy, and he looks like a resigned, tired, wuss. Yeah. Colby kinda sucks. But at least I've got to watch him right through to the final episode, and that makes me a happy kid! Woo!
GREY'S ANATOMY - Hoooo baby, things are about to get crazy at Seattle Grace-Mercy West! But first - last night - Dr. Bailey gettin' busy with sexy anesthesiologist Ben. YUM. That man...I tell you...he could give McDreamy, McSteamy, Hunt, Karev, Avery - he could give 'em all a run for their money. And when he stripped while Bailey babbled about her personal life being personal? Holy smokes. I couldn't even hear what she was saying. That was just about as hot as the infamous McSteamy-in-a-towel scene from Season...2 I think? Speaking of which, we kind of got a reprise of that last night, too! McSteamy coming out of the bathroom to find both Reed and Teddy in his room (and yes, that had to be a metaphorical puff of steam that followed him out of the bathroom...humina humina...McSteeeeeeeeeeamy!) But at the end of the day? My guy Alex. He's still the one. How he helped that girl who had been misdiagnosed as schizophrenic? Loved him for that. But it looks like Alex is about to get the crappy end of the stick again. He said it himself - he's done crazy - dealt with it growing up, dated it...he's ready to settle down and be normal. And he thinks he's found that with Lexi. Unfortunately for Alex, McSteamy isn't done with her yet...his passionate plea at the end of last night for her to give him another chance - Did he propose ? I think he did! - well, I forsee Alex being left in the dust yet again.
Not fair. Not fair at all. Can we please get Karev a happy storyline? Please!?!?
Next week - season finale - and all hell's breaking loose. There's going to be a shooter in the hospital. And in the preview, it said, "Who will fall?" Oh my God. I can't WAIT!
Have a great weekend!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
There's Tough...And Then There's TOUGH
Hockey's a physical sport. Players get hurt all the time. Sometimes they come back from their injuries. Sometimes they don't.

In the NHL, it's a game that is played by large, muscular men, flying around the ice on sharp skate blades, wielding sticks, and crashing their opponents into the boards. It's sort of an understood thing that when you step on the ice, there's a very good chance you could get hurt. It's how you face up to the injuries that often determines your toughness as a hockey player.
It's this time of year - playoff time - when stories of truly strong, passionate, and tough players begin to emerge. Often, it's not until a series is over and a team's season has ended that the truth comes out - that some key players were battling injuries, but fought through it to play for a chance at the Stanley Cup. And often, these injuries could just make you cringe.
For instance, Ottawa's Captain Daniel Alfredsson. We all knew something wasn't quite right with Alfie during their Round 1 series against the Pittsburgh Penguins. He just wasn't giving it the way Alfie can (even though he did stand out as one of their best players in the final 2 games of the series). It wasn't until the Sens fell in 6 games to the Pens that his problem was revealed: a sports hernia, which he recently had surgery to repair. He began suffering from severe abdominal pain around the time of the Olympics, and was being shot up before games in order to play through it. Yep. That's tough.
On the Pittsburgh side of things? The mighty Jordan Staal, a fierce competitor and a sonofabitch to play against (yes, I'm still sore about losing to them), had a tendon severed in his foot by PK Subban's skate in Game 1 of their series against Montreal. Staal had surgery to repair the injury, and missed games 2 and 3, but was back in game 4 against the Habs. That's a severed tendon, people. Players miss months with similiar injuries. Tough? I'd say so.
But I'm not sure any of these injuries compares to that which Vancouver defenceman Sami Salo suffered in their Western Conference semi-final series against Chicago.
In Game 5, Salo was hit in the groin area by a deflected Duncan Keith slapshot, and after writhing in pain for several minutes, he left the ice. He was taken to hospital, where it is believed he was treated for a ruptured testicle.
I'm not a guy, but that even makes me feel a little sick.
"Testicles and composure are the two words of this series," said Salo's teammate Shane O'Brien. "I'd rather get it between the eyes than where Sami baby got it."

The mere thought of it has had men squirming everytime the injury is mentioned. But guess who suited up last night for Game 6, only 2 days after sustaining one of the most horrifying injuries a man could ever think of?
You got it. Sami Salo.
If that's not tough...I don't know what is.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Random Friday Afternoon Thoughts...
...from someone who's brain is totally fried. Enjoy.
- I hate the Habs. I hate the Penguins. I hate that it's the only series left in the NHL playoffs that interests me. Friggin stupid hockey.
- I love that I can watch TV episodes on the Internet. Last week, my dear brother screwed up the taping of my beloved Grey's Anatomy, and I was devestated. Then, I had the brainwave to check it out on-line. Sure enough, CTV's website pulled through. I heart McSteamy. Can't wait to watch last night's episode sometime this weekend.
- Ball season is back - one of my greatest joys this week. The Flyers had their first home game last night. It was cold, but a good crowd turn out to see the 7-0 win over WC Electric and to witness the draw for the Basket of Awesome. God, I've missed ball.
- I miss my Sens.
- What's happening on Suvivor? I don't know, because I haven't watched last night's episode yet. Hang on.
- I have intense allergies this Spring. No idea why, never had 'em this bad before. Itchy eyes and a head that feels like it could spontaneously combust at any moment. Super.
- Another of my greatest joys this week? McHappy Day. I was kind of having a crappy day, found out that $1 of all Big Mac sales were going to childrens' charities, so I hopped in the Rav with Britt and headed out to get McHappy. The place was packed and everyone seemed to be in such a good mood. I'm so McHappy I went to McHappy Day.
- Ever notice the things you want, you can't have - and when you finally find out you can have them, you don't want them anymore? I've really noticed that this week.
- Could June 30th come a little quicker? I need my vampire and werewolf. I need them now.
- My calendar for the next 2 months is literally JAMMED. Some days, I've got more than 1 event on. I've double-booked shit. I'm trying to write everything on every calendar I own and in my BlackBerry so I don't miss anything. But I'm pretty sure I'm going to screw something up.
- I'm so glad it's going to pour rain tomorrow. I'm not going to do anything but lie on the couch and watch movies all day. Because that's what you do when it's pouring rain.
- I love my mom.
- I hate the Habs. I hate the Penguins. I hate that it's the only series left in the NHL playoffs that interests me. Friggin stupid hockey.
- I love that I can watch TV episodes on the Internet. Last week, my dear brother screwed up the taping of my beloved Grey's Anatomy, and I was devestated. Then, I had the brainwave to check it out on-line. Sure enough, CTV's website pulled through. I heart McSteamy. Can't wait to watch last night's episode sometime this weekend.
- Ball season is back - one of my greatest joys this week. The Flyers had their first home game last night. It was cold, but a good crowd turn out to see the 7-0 win over WC Electric and to witness the draw for the Basket of Awesome. God, I've missed ball.
- I miss my Sens.
- What's happening on Suvivor? I don't know, because I haven't watched last night's episode yet. Hang on.
- I have intense allergies this Spring. No idea why, never had 'em this bad before. Itchy eyes and a head that feels like it could spontaneously combust at any moment. Super.
- Another of my greatest joys this week? McHappy Day. I was kind of having a crappy day, found out that $1 of all Big Mac sales were going to childrens' charities, so I hopped in the Rav with Britt and headed out to get McHappy. The place was packed and everyone seemed to be in such a good mood. I'm so McHappy I went to McHappy Day.
- Ever notice the things you want, you can't have - and when you finally find out you can have them, you don't want them anymore? I've really noticed that this week.
- Could June 30th come a little quicker? I need my vampire and werewolf. I need them now.
- My calendar for the next 2 months is literally JAMMED. Some days, I've got more than 1 event on. I've double-booked shit. I'm trying to write everything on every calendar I own and in my BlackBerry so I don't miss anything. But I'm pretty sure I'm going to screw something up.
- I'm so glad it's going to pour rain tomorrow. I'm not going to do anything but lie on the couch and watch movies all day. Because that's what you do when it's pouring rain.
- I love my mom.
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