...'Cause I already know who the winner is!
Of Canadian Idol, I mean.
I've been watching faithfully since the first episode of auditions. That very first night, these two brothers from Toronto, Oliver & Sebastien Spigott, both presented themselves to the judges.
Oliver went first, and he absolutely blew them away with a song I didn't recognize but instantly fell in love with. Idol judge Jake Gold told him that through all the years they've been doing the show, his audition might have been the single best audition ever.
Then they brought in Sebastien. Oliver was a tough act to follow, and not surprisingly, little bro paled slightly in comparison when he played "Blue Moon of Kentucky". They told him he wasn't as talented as his brother, but that his good looks and charisma should carry him on. Both boys were handed gold tickets. On to the Top 200.
So for the past few weeks, I've endured the rest of the audition process, all the time comparing each new performer to the Spigotts, thinking, "No, you aren't as good. You're not even close. You lose." That's right. No one has even been as good as Sebastien, let alone Oliver!
Last night, I was finally reunited with the Spigott brothers as they began the process of weeding through the Top 200. For awhile, I had started to think that Sebastien had backed out of the Top 200 - they seemed to focus solely on Oliver. They showed his solo performance on Day 1 - which was so good, the judges gave him a free pass - but Sebastien was never even mentioned.
Finally, in the latter part of the show, I got my first glimpse of Sebastien when special guest co-host and Canadian singer Jully Black busted down his hotel room door to see him, Oliver, Tatyana and Mookie preparing for their group performance. It was around this time that I realized I might be starting to like Sebastien better than Oliver after all. He just looked so cute.
The Day 2 group performances were a range from amazing to complete bust. As far as I could tell, two groups separated themselves as "Super Groups". This one group led by the red-head British dude who reminds me of Clay Aitken (unfortunately, 'cause they boy can sing, but when you start thinking Clay, it's never a good thing), and Ollie & Seb's group. The judges loved 'em both.
But for me, it was still all about Sebastien and Oliver. They were amazing, of course, as one would expect two brothers who have played together all their lives would be, but the fact that they found two other competitors in Tatyana and Mookie who blended so well with them in their unique rendition of "Have You Ever Seen the Rain?" - they weren't just really good. They were professional. They were a step above everyone else - a
mile above everyone else.
They were amazing.

(Sebastien and Oliver)
So as far as I'm concerned, the contest can go on, but there's really no point. The clear-cut run-away favourite is Oliver, and if, by some chance, people take a dislike for him because he's so awesome, then Sebastien can be the dark horse. Like I said, I think I'm already more in love with him anyways. Either way, I can thank Idol for introducing me to two brand new talents that I might never have heard of before - the Spigott brothers have already made it worthwhile.
As long as there's no atrocity like last year's far-too-early elimination of Greg Neufeld (it still pisses me off), Oliver and Sebastien may be the first two siblings standing side-by-side in the Final 2.
I can't wait to see it all unfold!